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Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Real Robot here
Todays world is soo damn different from the world our fore great grand parents knew. if they were to resurrect today, they will not belief on the advancement in in key things in on earth from farmig methods to technoloy. this has been made possible by mans curiosity on developng new things and descovering the undiscovered.
the most striking one that marvels me is machines created that make work easier. this is in the form of robots that act the same way human beings work in the daily running of business. ling erms, can walk and the most significant is at wor fronts. spy cameras are fitted on robots to aid grounds men in locating enemies and others can even take down enemies as they are fitted with rifles and grenades. there accuracy is good as they are lesser guided and use GPS technology to get the precise location. am waitning to see where this wil go next. the US army demonstrated this in war with iraq. drones and land moving unmanned tanks
the world at large has in the past made sure that all work is done in the most efficient way and as quickly as posssible and with precise accuracy. this has made every company and evry firm to ensure that they get the latest on technology to inprove on their profits by cutting down costs and opreating effciently. this has made the same firms and other colloborating firms to invest massively and research to ensure that they get to the right tools for the right job.
although this has cut down on jobs since some work realy depended on labour, which in esssense was more expensive but again job cuts have had negative impacts in the population. unemployment has doubled in some countries that job creations is still below par and at the same time they are still paying very low wages on the same.
An amazing revolution is taking place on the battlefield, starting to change not just how wars are fought, but also the politics, economics, laws, and ethics that surround war itself. This upheaval is already afoot -- remote-controlled drones take out terrorists in Afghanistan, while the number of unmanned systems on the ground in Iraq has gone from zero to 12,000 over the last five years. But it is only the start. Military officers quietly acknowledge that new prototypes will soon make human fighter pilots obsolete, while the Pentagon researches tiny robots the size of flies to carry out reconnaissance work now handled by elite Special Forces troops.
ever read a jornal called Wired for War? It takes the reader on a journey to meet all the various players in this strange new world of war: odd-ball roboticists working in latter-day “skunk works” in the midst of suburbia; military pilots flying combat mission from their office cubicles outside Las Vegas; the Iraqi insurgents who are their targets; journalists trying to figure out just how to cover robots at war; and human rights activists wrestling with what is right and wrong in a world where our wars are increasingly being handed over to machines.
If issues like these sound like science fiction, that’s because many of the new technologies were actually inspired by some of the great sci-fi of our time ­ from Terminator and Star Trek to the works of Asimov and Heinlein. In fact, Singer reveals how the people who develop new technologies consciously draw on such sci-fiction when pitching them to the Pentagon, and he even introduces the sci-fi authors who quietly consult for the military.

But, whatever its origins, our new machines will profoundly alter warfare, from the frontlines to the home front. When planes can be flown into battle from an office 10,000 miles away (or even fly themselves, like the newest models), the experiences of war and the very profile of a warrior change dramatically. Singer draws from historical precedent and the latest Pentagon research to argue that wars will become easier to start, that the traditional moral and psychological barriers to killing will fall, and that the “warrior ethos” ­ the code of honor and loyalty which unites soldiers ­ will erode.

Paradoxically, these new unmanned technologies will also seemingly bring war closer to our doorsteps, including even with videos of battles downloaded for entertainment. But Singer also proves that our enemies will not settle for fighting our high-tech proxies on their own turf. He documents, for instance, how Hezbollah deployed unmanned aircraft in the Lebanese war of 2006, and how America may even fall behind in this revolution, as its adversaries gain knockoffs of our own technology, or even develop better tech of their own invention.

While his predictions are unnerving, there's an irresistible gee-whiz quality to what Singer uncovers and the people he meets along the way. It is packed with cutting edge research and hard to get interviews of everyone from four star Army generals and Middle East leaders to reclusive science fiction authors. Yet it also seamlessly weaves in pop culture and illuminating anecdotes to create a book that is both highly readable and accessible. In laying out where our technologies are taking us to next, WIRED FOR WAR is as fascinating as it is frightening.
.Eventually a stage may be reached at which the decisions necessary to keep the system running will be so complex that human beings will be incapable of making them intelligently. At that stage the machines will be in effective control. People won't be able to just turn the machines off, because they will be so dependent on them that turning them off would amount to suicide.
all in all we are suggesting neither that the human race would voluntarily turn power over to the machines nor that the machines would willfully seize power. What we do suggest is that the human race might easily permit itself to drift into a position of such dependence on the machines that it would have no practical choice but to accept all of the machines' decisions. . .

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